Unearthing factors influencing curriculum implementation by SADTU Mathematics teachers

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N. Maharaj


Reflections on perceptions and practices of South African Democratic Teachers Union teachers of Mathematics attending a conference are articulated in this article. The conference was attended by teachers from both primary and secondary schools. Both inter professional and intra-professional development of the Trimensional Aggregate (Pure Math, Math Literacy and Technical Math) of Mathematics are emphasized, along with classroom assessment and a broad spectrum of educational goals. Teachers from all districts in KwaZulu- Natal participated in a collaborative and networking experience providing prized material on Mathematics assessment and curriculum dynamics. Relevant stakeholders from tertiary institutes and governmental officials aligned to the Mathematics field provided the impetus to discussion on Mathematics being a vital springboard to increasing economic development in South Africa; teachers need to become operative communicators and regulators of curriculum delivery for this to be realized. Learners thrive under the control of agents grounded in a robust human effort that directs curriculum content in Mathematics at their schools. Participants of all phases put forward evidence of their challenges and impediments that diminish learner performance in
controlled assessments. The findings from the focus groups offer treasured information that creates a link for regulating Mathematics and provides ways of modifying teaching programs. . Findings at this symposium gave rise to recommendations for the adoption of all Mathematics forms as a measure of teacher self-regulation, assessment and remediation both via formal and informal activities

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How to Cite
Unearthing factors influencing curriculum implementation by SADTU Mathematics teachers. (2022). Journal of South African Democratic Teachers Union (JSADTU), 1(1), 115-127. https://ourjournal.jsadtu.com/index.php/jsadtu/article/view/34

How to Cite

Unearthing factors influencing curriculum implementation by SADTU Mathematics teachers. (2022). Journal of South African Democratic Teachers Union (JSADTU), 1(1), 115-127. https://ourjournal.jsadtu.com/index.php/jsadtu/article/view/34