The accomplishment of the global declaration of "Education for All", one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs: 4) could hardly be realized without the input of competent, qualified, and committed teachers across the globe. Even though teachers worldwide are perceived as key stakeholders in the educational sector, their contributions to nation building rarely draw academic attention and in cases where it does, the attention is mainly linked to the negative aspects. This focus on negativity has not only soiled the image of teachers and the profession itself but it has diverted attention from the key agenda of ensuring that the education system undergoes relevant transformation to secure the requisite quality of educational pedagogies that can drive sustainable national building. Besides, emphasis has been more focus on the government or state than teachers in the pursuit of SDGs 4. This has
created some limitations in examining the roles of teachers in the accomplishment of SDGS 4 and nation building in Africa. Research in the direction of investigating roles of teachers in the accomplishment of quality education and nation building in Africa will provide adequate information in forms of advancing new knowledge on how teachers can effectively salvage Africa from the recurring problem of out-of-school children. 

Published: 2022-04-30