Declaration of Interest and Authorship
Declaration of Interest
Conflicts of interest encompass any situations or relationships that may not be immediately evident but could potentially compromise the objectivity of authors, reviewers, or editors. Authors are required to disclose any personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial relationships that might unduly influence their work.
If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should indicate: "Declarations of interest: none." This statement will be published with the article if it is accepted.
If conflicts exist, authors must submit a separate declaration of interest form containing detailed information, which will be kept on file as part of the journal's records.
Authors must verify that all individuals listed as authors have made significant contributions to the research and/or preparation of the article and have approved the final version of the manuscript. They must also confirm that the work presented is original, has not been previously published (other than as an abstract or in a thesis), and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Additionally, authors should ensure that all co-authors and relevant authorities from the research institution endorse the manuscript's publication. If accepted, the work must not be republished in its current form, in English or any other language, without obtaining written consent from the copyright holder.
Acknowledgments of Contributors
Individuals who have contributed to the study but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section of the manuscript. This includes people who provided technical assistance, writing support, or other contributions that do not qualify them for authorship.
Changes to Authorship
Authors should finalise the list and order of authors before submitting the manuscript. Any changes to the authorship list (including additions, removals, or reordering) are allowed only prior to acceptance and require approval from the journal Editor.
If a change is necessary, the corresponding author must submit:
- A document explaining the rationale for the change, along with written confirmation (via email or letter) from all authors agreeing to the proposed modification. If an author is being added or removed, this confirmation must include the consent of that individual.
After the manuscript has been accepted, requests for changes will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and will require the Editor's approval. If a change is approved after publication, a correction notice (corrigendum) will be issued.
Dispute Resolution
In the event of any authorship disputes, the journal will follow COPE's guidelines to mediate and resolve the issues. This may involve contacting the relevant institutions for further investigation.