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Human flourishing is the desire of every employee in an organization, every employee desires to work with an organization that offers good working conditions, the study highlighted the importance of encouraging employee growth which was noted to strengthen the commitments to their jobs. This research work revealed the setbacks to fostering positive career growth of employees in organizations, it was revealed that as of today several organizations are faced with stiff competition and harsh operational environment in the daily quest for profitability, which has continued to create a difficult working environment. An analysis on a better understanding of the study was explored adopting a simple sampling technique that was employed to select 100 participants for the survey the data was statistically analyzed based on the research objectives and formulated hypotheses. The results revealed that career growth significantly enhanced employee flourishing among employees as well as career commitment, this study recommends that crucial steps should be taken to undertake a periodic satisfaction and performance measurements test to track the level of employee participation, also the company should review its reward system to favour employees who are committed to their jobs.
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