Main Article Content
The vast range of topics included in this edition of JSADTU relate to the journal's focus. The contributions' multidisciplinary character is one of the edition's main advantages. The edition's viability and its contribution to trustworthy knowledge are attested to by the contributions of experts with a variety of backgrounds. The meticulous evaluation of every piece submitted for publication has further guaranteed the edition's publication process's excellence. Therefore, I'm taking this opportunity to thank our reviewers for their diligence. It is also noteworthy that the writers of the chosen articles addressed the reviewers' issues in a qualitative manner. This illustrates the need for collaboration in the production of high-calibre scholarly publications. I think the purpose of this edition is to fill in the research gaps in the several fields that have contributed articles to the education community. Additionally, I think that this edition has advanced the idea that education is relevant when it comes to social transformation. For this reason, I want to thank
everyone who helped with the edition's production.
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